All our courses prepare our students for the internationally recognized qualifications. Students from other institutions are also invited to take these exams at the Alliance Française.

Successful candidates will receive certificates or diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education and administered by France Education International (FEI).

DELF -DALF Sessions in 2024

 1st  Session

February 26th to March 11th

March 16th (Written) March 23rd (Oral)                                                                                                                                                            

2nd Session

May 20th to June 3rd

June 8th (written) June 15th (Oral) 


3rd Session


August 19th to September 6th

EXAM                                                            September 7th (Written) September 7th-14th (Oral)

  4th  Session

October 21st to November 1st

November 2nd (Written) November 2nd-9th (Oral)


5th Session

November 25th to December 9th

December 14th (written) December 21st (Oral)


The DELF (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) are official qualifications issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify French language proficiency of non-native speakers. International Recognition.

  • Diplomas are awarded by the French Ministry of Education and accepted worldwide.
  • Exams are held world-wide and conducted under the supervision of the French Embassy of respective countries, at accredited official examination centres.
  • The DELF-DALF structure is modeled on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which serves as an international reference in the organisation of language teaching and certification.
  • Candidates having earned the DALF are exempted from language entrance examinations in French universities.

The DELF Junior possesses all the qualities of the DELF all public while tackling topics which are adapted to teenagers. 

They certify the French as Second Language learner skills at four different levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), thus there are four separate diplomas:

  1. A1 (Discovery),
  2. A2 (Intermediate),
  3. B1 (Independent) and
  4. B2 (Advanced).

The examinations are independent; candidates can register for a level without any prerequisite for the examination of their choice. The diploma is valid for life! 

At each level a series of tests assesses the four skills:

  • oral comprehension (25 points)0
  • oral expression (25 points)
  • written comprehension (25 points)
  • written expression (25 points)

Unsure of your level in French? You’ve been studying it long time ago in high school, or you have spent some time in a francophone country and you want to assess your level before registering for a class?

The Alliance Ethio-Française placement test can be taken anytime,from Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 6pm.

Get prepared for the exam

The CIEP offers some sample examination subjects to help you get familiar with these diplomas. A good understanding of how the DELF and/or DALF is organized is an invaluable asset when the examination day comes. It’s also an opportunity to find out what each type of examination expects from prospective candidates.
The CNED offers students around the world the opportunity to prepare for DELF/DALF diplomas at a distance, starting from level B1. This is an online class, and it is a very practical option for people who don’t have the option to take French courses close to their home. Once you finish working with the CNED to prepare for the examination, all you have to do is register at your DELF-DALF examination centre in Ethiopia: The Alliance Ethio-Française.


The DELF & DALF are official qualifications issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify French language proficiency of non-native speakers. 

DELF Prim Exam

The DELF Prim is an official certificate awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the proficiency in French as a Foreign Language of children ages 8 to 12.

DELF Junior Exam

The DELF Junior is an official Diploma of French Language Studies issued by the French Ministry of Education and is recognized worldwide.

TEF Exam

TEF Exam is a standardized French language test intended for non-native French speakers to demonstrate their French language proficiency. 

Placement Test

You’ve been studying French long time ago in high school, or you have spent some time in a francophone country and you want to assess your level before registering for a class? 

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