Yohannes Gedamu

Yohannes attended the Fine Art School of Addis Ababa from 1962 to 1967, graduating from the painting Department. Following his graduation he taught art, worked as a scenery designer, and managed the Rainbow Art Agency & Gallery before first moving to Mombassa in1975, then Germany in 1980 where he devoted himself solely to his art. Since coming home in 1997, Yohannes has deeply influenced younger artists through his continual engagement with and involvement. Yohannes’ paintings usually place their emphasis on the creative, subjective and emotional expression of his ideas, not necessarily have a physical or concrete existence but rather considering the surface of the canvas as a potential space for a presence of something extraordinary and unknown, which somehow unites all of us living creatures.

Art Works by Yohannes Gedamu


Artist: Yohannes Gedamu (1947 – 2010)
Title: Untitled
Media: Oil on Canvas
Year: 2004


Artist: Yohannes Gedamu (1947 – 2010)
Title: Untitled
Media: Oil on Canvas
Year: 2002

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